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The Lilly Pillow


The Ralph Pillow


The Eloise Pillow



Hi!! My name is Sydney Allensworth, the owner, designer, and maker of all things Love Louise. I recently just graduated from the University of Arkansas with a degree in Apparel Merchandising and Product Development, which is were I found the love to create pieces of my own.

I have always had a heart for hospitality and design and love the way designing your space creates a dwelling place for you and your people.

The heart behind Love Louise is to make your space feel like home. My inspiration comes from Psalm 23 and the peace that flows from it dwelling in the house of the Lord.

My hope is that these little pieces would fill you with some of that sweet peace that we are promised with God and that the love that fills your home would fill up those around you.

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Can’t find what you are looking for? I would love to help you design what you’re dreaming of! Contact me here and we can work to design what you’re looking for!

From homes, dorm rooms, weddings, gifts, and everything in between lets make your dreams come to life!